2.6.11 problem 70
Let F be the event that
the coin is fair, and let Hi
be the even that the i-th
toss lands Heads.
- Both Fred and his friend are correct. Fred is correct in that the probability
of there being no Heads in the entire sequence is very small. For example,
there are (9245)
sequences with 45
Heads and 47
Tails, but only 1
sequence of all Heads.
On the other hand, Fred’s friend is correct in his assessment that any
particular sequence has the same likelihood of occurance as any other
- For P(F|H1≤i≤92)
to be larger than 12,
must be greater than 292292+1,
which is approximately equal to 1,
where as for P(F|H1≤i≤92)
to be less than 120,
must be less than 292292+19,
which is also approximately equal to 1.
In other words, unless we know for a fact that the coin is fair, 92
Heads in a row will convince us otherwise.